did you know? duckweed grows faster at night versus during the day!

you walk into my bathroom and its like a rainforest. the humidity makes you feel like you just crawled out of the lake after marinating in there for 30 years. theres plants on every single surface. you cant even walk three feet without knocking one over. but you are home, and the air has so much oxygen in it your lungs immediately gain +50 health stat.

site updates

05/08/23 - edited appearance a LOT, and added pixels/blinkies/stamps collection! i somehow created a lot of problems though that i need to go back over sorry :(
04/24/23 - edited formatting. slowly putting together ideas to rework the 'recipes' section. im planning on filling out the 'native plants' section once it starts getting warm out and i can actually go hunting for them :)
04/16/2023 - added content to the 'resources' section.
04/10/2023 - added plants to the 'my plants' section and edited the site appearence! also added a link to onezoom (very cool biology website)
03/26/2023 - added guestbook and sites i think are cool :) still hugely under construction but we are getting there!
03/26/2023 - site was created. yippee!

Lime Bobblehead Bunny